Three Best Ways To Advertise Your Sale Or Promotion

When your business is having a big sale or promotion, you've got many choices on the best way to advertise. There are numerous methods both online and traditionally that are designed for bringing customers to your brink-and-mortar store. While the best methods vary depending on your business and audience, there are a few that have proven to be successful for many types of businesses.
Wacky Wavy Inflatables
Have you been on the road or walking down the street and suddenly movement caught your eye? You look over and a wacky wavy inflatable is dancing about and you see person after person walk into the store doors. A fly tube guy has arms and a face that dances and moves that to a blower and wind. Their movement and bright colors are eye-catching and are much less expensive that more traditional forms of advertising. They're perfect for any business that is backset from the road or close to other businesses that they need to set themselves apart. The biggest downside to a wacky wavy inflatable man is the time it takes to set up, but even that is quick and painless.
Facebook Ads and Sponsored Posts
People sometimes spend hours each day on their Facebook pages. If you've checked your own feed, then you've seen the numerous sponsored ads that pop up and the Facebook ads at the side of the page. Due to the ability to target audiences and the relative inexpensiveness of the ads and sponsored posts in comparison to other advertising methods, they've become a popular choice for both online and brick-and-mortar businesses. The biggest downside is it is solely for an online audience. If you customers don't like online ads or don't spend much time on Facebook, then they won't likely click on the ads or post.
Print and Radio Ads
When it comes to traditional media, you can't get any more traditional than print and radio advertisements. They've been around since the mediums were invented and aren't going away any time soon. The best reason to use print and radio ads is they get local people. The biggest downside is they cost A LOT of money. A print and radio advertising campaign can cost you thousands of dollars depending on the frequency and size of the ads. A 1/4 page ad in a small town weekly can cost you more than $400 and that's just one ad in one time. The other downside is you're not catching them out and about. They have to see the ad and then make a conscious decision to take time out of their day to visit your store. In this fast paced world, we know that plans are easily changed.
Inflate Online has a huge selection of wacky wavy inflatables and advertising balloons at the lowest prices around. Check out our selection and improve your store traffic flow today.